What is “Stacking Sats” and how can I use bittr to stack sats?

Satoshis, or 'sats' are the smallest units of a bitcoin. Of course, satoshis are named after the elusive creator of bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto. One whole bitcoin comprises one hundred million sats. Stacking sats is the action of regularly buying additional bitcoin to add to your bitcoin stash. By stacking sats, you don't worry about timing the market. Let your bank and bittr do it automatically for you! You just have to set it up once and never have to worry about it again. No need for bitcoin price checking. Each week or each month you buy a modest amount, automatically. The EUR/CHF amount you choose is sent to bittr through a standing order. When bittr receives your funds, bittr sends the satoshis (fractions of bitcoin) to your wallet. We never hold your bitcoin, which means there is no third-party risk. You hold your keys, you hold your bitcoin. Stacking sats is the new way of saving into bitcoin.